An Evening with George W. Bush

President Bush and LaurenThe Miracle League proudly hosted 43rd President, George W. Bush for an evening on November 11th at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center in downtown Atlanta. In very intimate setting, a few hundred enjoyed a great dinner and discussion with the President.

Former President George W. Bush came to Atlanta on Tuesday night to address a dinner at Atlanta’s Georgia Tech Conference Center benefitting The Miracle League, which provides an opportunity for challenged children to play baseball.

The format was an interview of the 43rd president by Lauren Gunder, the official Miracle League spokesperson. This amazing girl was diagnosed at five months old with Malignant Infantile Osteopetrosis and given zero chance of surviving past age two. She is now 24 years old. The legally blind Lauren fought her disease and is currently a paraprofessional teaching at Parkview High School— and she asked amazingly penetrating questions on everything ranging from Bush’s passions to his presidency.

He also discussed his just-released book about his father (and former president) George H.W. Bush and his new love for painting.  Attendees, included Gov. Nathan Deal and possible presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, received copies of “41: A Portrait of My Father.”