PBATS One-Day Charity Fundraiser Raised over $37,000 to Benefit The Miracle League.

Diane and Stephanie sized articleThe PBATS One-Day Charity is an annual fundraiser, coordinated and executed by the Minor League Medical Coordinators.

Each winter, the medical coordinators vote on a charitable organization that they feel would be beneficial and meaningful to fundraise for. Then, all Minor League Athletic Trainers contribute the equivalent of one day’s meal money during Spring Training to help support the elected charitable organization.

“As the committee chair of the PBATS One-Day Charity, I want to say thank you to each and every person that took the time to participate this year.  In essence, I feel that we’re all paying it forward as one day any of us could potentially need a helping hand,” said Committee Chair Jeff Collins.

Collins added, “The success of the PBATS One-Day Charity is a direct reflection upon our commitment and hard work and everyone who participated should all feel a deep sense of pride knowing that they were part of something this special.

The PBATS One-Day Charity, although initially started as a way for Minor League Coordinators to fundraise for organizations in need, is not limited to Minor League Athletic Trainers. Instead, PBATS hopes that contributions will continue to come from all those interested in raising money for organizations in need, potentially including front office personnel, clubhouse staff members, coaches and players as well.

For more information, please visit www.pbats.com.